Look at times in Scripture when Jesus described himself (suggested readings: John 6:35, John 8:12, John 10:7, John 10:11, John 11:25, John 14:6, John 15:1-5). Read and study these (and/or other) descriptions as a family and pray for a fuller understanding of who Jesus is. Discuss how these truths about God are reflected in and through your family.
In Matthew 16:15-18, Jesus tells his disciples that he will build his church upon the rock of truth spoken by Peter when he proclaimed Jesus as “the Christ, son of the living God.” Examine whether your family’s time is spent in ways that build off of that same cornerstone. Prayerfully identify one area where your family can adjust priorities to better reflect God’s foundation in your life, and make that change!
Jesus healed a man born blind, and the man responded with boldness, sharing his testimony with others. What has God done in your life that you should be proclaiming boldly to others? Pray as a family that God would challenge you to not sit idly with the good news he has given to you, but that he would give you courage to proclaim his greatness to others and point them toward him.