May Update

Summer is quickly approaching and with the change in season we have a bevy of youth activities and projects to look forward to. Starting again June 8th are youth workdays. Workdays take place on Wednesdays from 9am-12pm and will include lunch and a devotion. Dropoff and pickup will be at PCC unless otherwise directed. In the months of July and August we will be having evening youth group at host homes. The time remains the same, 5:30pm-8:00pm, but drop-off and pickup will be at the home of the hosts.

If you are not currently enrolled in the Remind message group and would like to be, please email or text me and I will put you in. Through Remind I send pertinent information for upcoming youth activities and events. Finally, as always please use the website as a key source of information. On the website you will find our mission statement, event details and registration if applicable, monthly parent connection (this is a monthly update on the state of youth group), quarterly calendar, and contact information.

Through the summer we are doing studies in comparative religions during morning class, specifically Hinduism and Buddhism. Sunday evenings during youth group in our split middle/high school groups, we are studying and discussing the book of James.

I can’t emphasize enough the difference in tone and operations between Sunday mornings and evenings. I would like to encourage you to lead your teens to try evening youth group at the expense of comfortability and Sunday family time. There are only 7 years of youth group in the your teens’ lives and its amazing to see how God honors the sacrifices families make by putting Him before the other pressing pulls in our lives.

Here are the events we have scheduled through August:

May 7, Church Workday & Bowling

May 20-21, The Middle School Event

May 22, Youth Parent Meeting in the Commons Rm. 12:00pm-12:30pm

Jun 5, Summer Kickoff (5th Grade Evening Welcome) 5:30pm-8:00pm

Jun 9, Cedar Point

Jun 27-30, Youth Missions Event

Jul 14-16, Jr/Sr Trip to New River Gorge

Jul 29-30, 8th Annual Lock-In Event

Aug 4, Fall Kickoff (5th Grade Morning Welcome & grade move day) Second Service 10:45am-11:45am

Aug 26-28, West Branch Camping Trip

Thank you for letting your student be part of our lives. It is a great honor and privilege that through God alone we can teach and help them along. I hope that I can be as transparent with you and your student as possible, and my door is always open for you to come and talk about anything.

In Christ,
